You will find below copies of newsletters and important news from Willingham Surgery and Longstanton Branch Surgery.
Longstanton Branch Opening Hours
Open daily from 08:30am - 1:00pm and closed in the afternoon
NEW Pharmacy hours:
Open at 8:30am daily.
Closing at 6:00pm on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
Tuesday - Pharmacy will close at 7:00pm
All other opening times will remain the same.
Contact Details
Willingham (reception) 01954 260230
Longstanton (reception) 01954 207600
Dispensary 01954 207602 (open to 5:00pm daily)
District Nurse Team: 01223 726469 Option 2
Health Visitors: 0300 029 50 50
Out of hours cover: Ring 111