Longstanton Parish Council

Longstanton Parish Council comprises 11 unpaid elected/co-opted Councillors, who have a seat in public office.  Councillors normally serve a term of 4 years.  The current Council will be in post until May 2026 and following uncontested elections held in May 2021 and to bring them back in line with District Council elections.

The Councillors represent an electorate of 2,387 persons (as at 31st December 2020).

Parish Council meetings are held on the first Monday of every month except for August. Meetings start at 7.30pm and they are open to all members of the public and press. 10 minutes are allocated at the beginning of each meeting for comments and questions from members of the public with respect to items on the agenda or to request items be discussed in the future.

Meeting notices / summons of the meetings are displayed on the parish council website and on the notice boars located  at Longstanton Village Hall. Copies are available from the Clerk on request.

Committees / Working Groups

Parish Councillors are expected to serve on a variety of committees or working groups including:

Finance Committee, Employment Committee, Standards Committee, Village Events Working Group and represent various interests including Home Farm, Northstowe, Paths/Footpaths, etc.



If you would like to find out more about local councils and being a Councillor at:

The primary role of the Parish Council is to represent parishioners on issues affecting the community to South Cambridgeshire District Council, Cambridgeshire County, Cambridgeshire Combined Authority and Central Government as well as support and provide local services.

So what else does Longstanton Parish Council do?

It owns land and maintains it at the following locations:

  • The Village Green, off Nelson Crescent
  • Recreation Ground, Over Road (as sole Trustee of the Longstanton Village Hall and Recreation Ground charity)
  • Various spaces on Home Farm including: off Bullen Close, Collingwood Drive, Duddle Drive, Eaton Way, Hardy Close, Mitchcroft Road, Sheepwash Way, Stevensons Road
  • Recreation Ground playground
  • Duddle Drive play areas
  • Hattons Road Cemetery
  • Longstanton Village Hall (as sole Trustee of the Longstanton Village Hall and Recreation Ground charity)
  • The Gravel Pit land (as sole Trustee of the Allotments for Gravel, Stone and Clay Pits charity (aka 'The Gravel Pit'))

Provides and maintains the following facilities:

  • Children’s play area and equipment on the recreation ground
  • Children’s play areas on Duddle Drive
On behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council:
  • Maintenance of highway verges within the village boundary
On behalf of South Cambridgeshire District Council:
  • provides and maintains dog-waste bins and litter bins at various locations in the village

On behalf of the PCC, maintains the churchyard at St Michaels' closed church

Sole Trustee for:

  • Allotments for Gravel, Stone and Clay Pits (Gravel Pit)
  • Longstanton Village Hall and Recreation Ground

Supports the work of charitable groups and organisations within the village.

Provides and maintains bus shelters, seats and parish noticeboards at various locations in the village

Consultee on local development plan issues from both the County and District Councils.

Comments (but does not decide) on planning applications.

For further information on any of these activities please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council [email protected]