How to Make a Booking

village institute


Is this the first time you have made a booking, or are you booking for a new activity?

For legal reasons, the first time you book for a new activity - one that has not previously taken place at the Village Institute – we need you to complete and return a paper form. This gives details of the activity that are required for insurance purposes. So, to make a first booking:


  • Download and read our Terms and Conditions
  • Download, print out and fill in our Booking Form, then return it to the Parish Clerk at Longstanton Village Hall (details below). Booking forms are available from the Parish Clerk if you are unable to print them yourself.
  • Download and read our Privacy Notice


Have you previously filled in a form for this activity?

If you are booking a new session for an activity you have run previously, there is no need to fill in the booking form again.

You can add new sessions, or delete or change the details of sessions already booked using our online booking system.  If you prefer, you can also call the Parish Clerk during parish office opening hours. 


Hire of Longstanton Village Hall is charged at a flat rate of £20.58 per hour, increasing to £25.00 per hour for bookings taking place after 1st April 2024. The minimum charge is £10.29 for half an hour, increasing to £12.50 for bookings taking place after 1st April 2024.

A refundable deposit, normally £50, increasing to £100 for bookings taking place after 1st April 2024, is also required for one-off bookings. The deposit may be higher depending on the type of activity requested. Deposits are refunded after the event, providing there has been no damage to the premises/equipment or extensive cleaning is required.

When you make a booking, you will receive an invoice via email, which will contain information on how to make your payment. Payment may be made either by cheque or by bank transfer. Payments made by cheque will be subject to bank clearing times, which may delay confirmation of booking.

We do not currently have facilities to accept card payments. Once payment is received, you will receive a receipt via email, which will provide details for accessing the hall. 

Please note: until you have received your receipt, your booking is not confirmed.

Contact details

You can contact the Parish Clerk on all matters connected with Longstanton Village Hall bookings.

Office hours: Monday - Friday – 11.00-14.00
Telephone: 01954 782323
Email: [email protected]
Address: Longstanton Parish Council, Longstanton Village Hall, 24 High Street, Longstanton, Cambridgeshire CB24 3BS