Longstanton Parish Information

Household Waste and Recycling Collection Days

Domestic Waste (Black Bin) - Every other Thursday

Mixed Dry Recycling (Blue Bin) - Every other Thursday

Garden and Food Waste (Green Bin)- Every other Thursday with Mixed Dry Recycling (apart from January - March when it will be collected once per month) 

Please visit the South Cambridgeshire website for more information on what can and cannot be recycled.

Recycling Centres

Milton Recycling Centre, Butt Lane, Milton, CB24 6DQ

Opening Times 

  • April to September - Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm
  • April to September - Saturday and Sunday 9am to 6pm
  • October to March - Monday to Sunday 9am to 4pm  
Please visit the County Council website for more information.


Local MP (South Cambridgeshire) Mr Anthony Browne

House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA


County Councillor - Firouz Thompson

Email: [email protected]

Tel:  07974 680 875





District Councillors
Sarah Cheung Johnson and Alex Malyon are your local District Councillors. They both live in Longstanton and have young families.  They represent Longstanton, Oakington and Northstowe at South Cambridgeshire District Council, which is responsible for: planning, housing, environmental services (waste services, environmental health, licensing), community development.   Please click here for their local Facebook page.

Mrs Sarah Cheung Johnson

Tel:  01954 489 089


Mrs Alex Malyon

Tel:   01954 202 859