Phase 2A, Land South of Longstanton Road, Northstowe, CB24 3AB
Hybrid planning application comprising; a) Reserved matters for 406 dwellings including affordable housing provision, non-residential floorspace, landscaping, open space and associated infrastructure (the Reserved Matters include access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL); b) Discharge of conditions 9 (Design code), 10 (Fire strategy), 11(Housing (Market mix)), 12 (Housing - Lifetime Homes (Affordable and market dwellings)), 19 (Surface water Drainage), 20 (Foul Water drainage), 23(Landscape and design), 24 (Landscape Management and Maintenance plan), 27 (Ecological Management plan), 31 (Longstanton conservation area), 32 (Low Carbon Strategy), 33 (Energy delivery strategy), 34 (BREEAM Standards), 38 (Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)), 41(External Artificial Lighting), 42 (Operational Noise - Non Residential use classes), 43 (Operational Traffic Noise Mitigation Scheme on-site), 45 (Waste & Recycling Management Strategy), 48 (Transport - Equine, Walking and Cycling Routes), 57(Transport - Cycle parking) and 64 (Self-build and custom build) pursuant to outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL and c) Full planning permission for the temporary change of use of two dwellings to show homes.