Planning Applications

Click here to go to South Cambridgeshire District Council's Planning Portal and select the Parish name from the list to show the applications.

Longstanton Parish Council plays an active part in all local planning issues. It is probably the area of the Council's role that is best known to the community and which can be of the most importance.

Details of current planning applications affecting Longstanton and Northstowe and the local area are listed below




Land At Village Green To The South Nelson Crescent Longstanton CB24 3GN

Installation of a single sided digital display unit


Gresley House Station Road Longstanton CB24 3DS

S73 variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 20/02526/HFUL (Construction of a log cabin, garage and storage area structure) to change the ridge height of the proposed log cabin, garage and store to be 4.6 metres at the highest point as opposed to 3.570 as approved


The Manor Woodside Longstanton CB24 3BU

Replacement of existing hedging with high quality deciduous native conservation grade hedging set further back by 1 - 2ft


Phase 2 Development Site Northstowe Cambs CB24 3EN

Repair, maintenance and sensitive conversion works to Pillboxes 443, 444, 445 (including air raid shelter), 462 and 439 to enable the reuse of four of the five pillboxes as bat roosts while retaining the fifth pillbox with the attached air raid shelter for controlled public access.


Northstowe Phase 2

Repair, maintenance and sensitive conversion works to Pillboxes 443, 444, 445 (including air raid shelter), 462 and 439 to enable the reuse of four of the five pillboxes as bat roosts while retaining the fifth pillbox with the attached air raid shelter for controlled public access


Northstowe Phase 2

Repair, maintenance and sensitive conversion works to Pillboxes 443, 444, 445 (including air raid shelter), 462 and 439 to enable the reuse of four of the five pillboxes as bat roosts while retaining the fifth pillbox with the attached air raid shelter for controlled public access


1 St Michaels Lane Longstanton

Essential repointing and repair to exterior front wall brickwork below wall plate, and repointing and repair of inglenook fireplace


59 Magdalene Close Longstanton Cambridge

Erection of a 1.95m fence


7 Magdalene Close, Longstanton

Single storey front extension


Hazlewell Farm Bar Road Longstanton

Two storey front and two storey side extensions


Hazlewell Farm Bar Road Longstanton

Existing detached Garage/Storage Block extended over Track/Driveway with One Bed Family Annex constructed at far end.


64 Thornhill Place, Longstanton

Two storey front extension, additional windows and front porch



Land To The East Of B1050 And Longstanton West Of The Cambridgeshire Guided Busway (CGB) And North Of Oakington

Condition 17 Partial Discharge (Part 5)- Groundwater and Contamination


Northstowe Phase 1 Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire

Condition 22 - Development and flood risk


Northstowe Phase 2 Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 44 (Traffic Noise) of outline permission S/2011/14/OL


Northstowe Phase 2 Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 70 (Existing Access) of outline permission S/2011/14/OL


1 Bar Farm Cottages Bar Road Longstanton CB24 3DX

Proposed demolition of existing rear elevation annex and replacement extension for assisted living conversion of the ground floor


Land At Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire

Environmental Impact Assessment screening opinion EIA SCREENING REQUIRED


43 St Michaels Longstanton CB24 3BZ

T1 SMALL CHERRY GROWING THROUGH MAGNOLIA ~ remove to enhance development of Magnolia; T2 COTONEASTER IN FRONT OF NO. 45 ST MICHAELS ~ reduce back foliage to boundary fence which overhangs drive to No. 43, being approximately a 0.5m to 0.75m reduction; T3 SILVER BIRCH IN REAR OF NO. 49 ST MICHAELS ~ prune back lower branches back to boundary which overhang Conifers in No. 43, being approximately a reduction of 0.25ms; APPROVED


The Retreat Fews Lane Longstanton CB24 3DP

Variation of condition 7 (Traffic management plan) pursuant to planning permission S/0277/19/FL to reflect the proposals in the Traffic Management Plan the current wording (ii) Contractor parking shall be within the curtilage of the site and not on the street to be replaced by (ii) Arrangements for contractor parking


St Michaels House St Michaels Longstanton CB24 3BZ

5-day notice to fell a Dangerous Tree. T1 Horse Chestnut: fell to ground level


Land behind 57-67, opposite no 53, belonging to 53 Woodside, Longstanton

Woodland TPO 0005 (2005) Row of Pines (G2) - fell any trees in the group that lean North, towards property no55 or over the field. Silver Birch (T3) - fell as a signification proportion of the crown is dead. Ash trees (T4, T5, T6) - fell as all have a significant lean over adjacent gardens. Maples (T7, T8, T9, T10, T11) - fell as all have significant leans over, or towards, neighbouring gardens. Note: This whole TPO wooded area was originally used as a tree nursery but was left to lapse into mature trees. This can be see by the straight rows with whole rows being of the same species. The way the trees have been left to mature far too close to one another means that the vast majority of the trees are of poor form.


Land behind 57, opposite 53, belonging to 53 Woodside, Longstanton

Prunus (T1) - fell, poor specimen (This application is related to a TPO woodland application 20/1489/TTPO)


The Retreat Fews Lane Longstanton CB24 3DP

Variation of condition 7 (Traffic Management plan) pursuant to planning permission S/0277/19/FL to reflect the proposals in the Traffic Management Plan to substitute the current wording with "The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the Traffic Management Plan prepared by SLR Consulting, Version Final 1 and dated December 2019" WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT


19 Toad Acres, Longstanton

Ash to reduce the height by 3m and width in all directions by 1.5m


Land At 41 Thornhill Place Longstanton CB24 3EE

Erection of a 3 bed dwelling


49 Thornhill Place Longstanton CB24 3EE

Part single, part two storey rear extension plus front porch following demolition of existing extension


2 High Street, Longstanton

Alteration and enlargement of existing kitchen window


Northstowe Phase 3B Station Road Longstanton

Outline planning application for the development of Northstowe Phase 3B, comprising up to 1,000 homes, a primary school, secondary mixed use zone (with retail and associated services, food and drink, community, leisure, employment and residential uses), open space and landscaped areas, engineering and infrastructure works, with details of appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access reserved. Application accompanied by an Environmental Statement.


Northstowe Phase 3A Rampton Road Longstanton

Outline planning application for the development of Northstowe Phase 3A for up to 4,000 homes, two primary schools, a local centre (including employment, community, retail and associated services, food and drink, community, leisure, residential uses and other accommodation), secondary mixed use zones (including employment, community, retail and associated services, food and drink, community, leisure, residential uses), open space and landscaped areas, sports pitches, associated engineering and infrastructure works, including the retention of the existing military lake and creation of a new lake, with details of appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access reserved. Application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement and involves works to/affecting existing Public Rights of Way.


Ryecroft Nursery, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) and the removal of condition 2 (Materials) pursuant to approval of matters reserved application S/0230/20/RM to vary condition 1 to reflect the latest amended planning drawings to include CH19/LBA/527/RM-1-101 Revision A, CH19/LBA/527/RM-1-102 Revision D. CH19/LBA/527/RM-1-103 Revision A and CH19/LBA/527/RM-1-104 Revision A and to remove Condition 2 as the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the buildings have been added to drawings CH19/LBA/527/RM-1-102 Revision D and CH19/LBA/527/RM-1-103 Revision A respectively.


67 Rampton Drift, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Retrospective change of use of land outside the residential curtilage to incorporate a double driveway with dropped kerb


The Retreat, Fews Lane, Longstanton CB24 3DP

Variation of Condition 7 (Traffic Management Plan) pursuant to planning permission S0/0277/19/FL to reflect the proposals in the Traffic Management Plan to substitute the current wording in Condition 7 with ‘The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the Traffic management Plan prepared by SLR Consulting, Version Final_1 and dated December 2019’ (resubmission of 20/01547/S73)


Northstowe Phase 1

Reserved matters for access, layout and appearance in relation to the access track for the surface water pumping station following outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL.


Northstowe Phase 1 Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire

Reserved matters for access, layout and appearance in relation to the access track for the surface water pumping station following outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL


Gresley House, Station Road, Longstanton CB24 3DS

Construction of a log cabin, garage and storage area structure


Longstanton Village Green Off Nelson Crescent Longstanton CB24 3GN

Relocation of a refurbished BT K6 Phone Box to the Village Green (from Magdalene Close) as 'Longstanton Spice Museum'


25 Mills Lane Longstanton CB24 3DG

Single storey rear extension and garage conversion


3 Haddows Close Longstanton CB24 3DJ

Variation of condition 2 (plans) of planning permission S/2930/18/FL


Land At Wilsons Road Longstanton Cambs CB24 3DB

EIA - Screening opinion for a proposed solar farm


Green End Farm Over Road Longstanton CB24 3DW

Erection of a detached part single, part two storey flat roofed building for use as an office/studio with associated parking and landscaping


Northstowe Phase 1

Approval of matters reserved for layout and landscaping in relation to the landscaping area adjacent to Stirling Road following outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL an environmental statement was submitted as part of outline planning permission


47 Mitchcroft Road, Longstanton

Conversion of a garage into a ‘Granny Annex’ REFUSED


Land West of Station Road, Longstanton

Outline planning application with all matters reserved, except for the vehicular accesses onto Station Road, for the demolition of a single dwelling and associated buildings and development of up to 107 dwellings (including affordable housing) and employment/community/café/ development together with parking areas, landscaping and associated infrastructure


2 Thatchers Wood, Longstanton

Certificate of lawfulness for the re-alignment of a close boarded fence to the south side of the property and erection of a single storey lean to building (office and utility) to replace an existing single storey utility and store


25 Thatchers Wood, Longstanton

Prior notification of a single storey rear extension


61 Stevensons Road, Longstanton

Single storey rear, side and front extension, first floor extension over garage


The Coppice Caravan, Station Road, Longstanton

Notification under the Electronic Communications Code Regulations 2003 for the installation of 2 x 10m wooden pole (8.2m above ground)


land south west of 50 Mills Lane, Longstanton

Outline planning for the erection of 20 dwellings with some matters reserved except for access, layout and scale


2 Thatchers Wood, Longstanton

Erection of a single storey lean to building (office and utility) to replace an existing single storey utility and store. Re-alignment of close boarded fence to the south side of the property


20 Nelson Crescent Longstanton CB24 3GN

Single storey rear extension and front porch


The Coppice Caravan, Station Road Longstanton Cambridge CB24 3DS

Notification under the Electronic Communications Code Regulations 2003 for the installation of 2 x 10m wooden pole (8.2m above ground)


36 Mitchcroft Road Longstanton CB24 3BF

Single storey front extension


4 Hart Close Longstanton CB24 3EX

Certificate of lawfulness under section 192 for a proposed loft conversion to include 2 no. roof lights to the front elevation of the property , 1 no roof light and a box dormer at the rear


4 Hart Close Longstanton CB24 3EX

Certificate of lawfulness under section 192 for a proposed loft conversion to include 2 no. roof lights to the front elevation of the property , 1 no roof light and a box dormer at the rear


41 Thornhill Place Longstanton CB24 3EE

Part two storey and part single storey side extension


Land At The Retreat Fews Lane Longstanton CB24 3DP

Erection of a chalet bungalow with garage and associated infrastructure


43 St Michaels Longstanton CB24 3BZ

T 1 - Dead Wild Plum - Fell to ground level. T 2 - Sycamore - Remove the sucker from the base. G 1 - Hazel, Wild Plum and Ash along the boundary - Reduce the tips of the Northern lateral branches by up to 2m. G 2 - Two dead Hawthorns - Fell to ground level. G 3 - Two Weeping Willows - Reduce the height by 4m and the width in all directions by 4m. G 4 - Holly, Apple and Weeping Birch overhanging the driveway access to no.43 (owner of the trees unknown - reputed to be 45 St Michaels) Reduce back the tips of the lateral branches by 1m towards the boundary fence to allow for clear access for vehicles


43 St Michaels Longstanton CB24 3BZ

T 1 - Dead Wild Plum - Fell to ground level. T 2 - Sycamore - Remove the sucker from the base. G 1 - Hazel, Wild Plum and Ash along the boundary - Reduce the tips of the Northern lateral branches by up to 2m. G 2 - Two dead Hawthorns - Fell to ground level. G 3 - Two Weeping Willows - Reduce the height by 4m and the width in all directions by 4m. G 4 - Holly, Apple and Weeping Birch overhanging the driveway access to no.43 (owner of the trees unknown) Reduce back the tips of the lateral branches by 1m towards the boundary fence to allow for clear access for vehicles.


Two Trees On The Edge Of The Field Opposite The Road At 7 Rampton Road Longstanton Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 3EN

1 No multi-stem Ash growing on the northern edge of the small wooded area. Works - Remove to ground, allow to regen. Reason - Hazard management, Primary stem failed at the union. 1 No. Elm, to north of Ash - Works - Remove to the ground. reason - To enable safe removal of adjacent Ash


2 Stevensons Road, Longstanton

Certificate of lawfulness for a proposed loft conversion to include 3 no. roof lights, 2 no. at the front and 1 no. to the rear


Land adj Lyndhurst, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of condition 3 (external surfaces), 5 (foul and surface water) and 7 (traffic management plan) pursuant to planning appeal APP/W0530/W/17/3188410 (S/2122/17/FL)


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 11 (Fire Hydrants) of planning permission S/0065/20/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 12 (External Lighting) of planning permission S/0065/20/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 19 (Hard Landscape Works) of planning permission S/0065/20/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 20 (Soft Landscaping) of permission S/0065/20/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 3 (Construction and Environmental Management Plan) of planning permission S/0065/20/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 4 (Street Management and Maintenance) of planning permission S/0065/20/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 5 (Detailed Plans - Roads, Footways and Cycleways) of planning permission S/0065/20/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 6 (Permeable Paving) of planning permission S/0065/20/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Non material amendment of planning permission S/0065/20/RM (Approval of matters reserved for access appearance landscaping layout and scale for the erection 92 no. dwellings including 25% Affordable Housing & Associated Open Space & Infrastructure following outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL) Replacement of Formsmoked Bravico brick with Forum Grey brick with white mortar


Phase 1 Land Parcel H13, Pathfinder Way, Northstowe, Cambs

Approval of matters reserved for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection 92 no. dwellings including 25% Affordable Housing & Associated Open Space & Infrastructure following outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL


The Bundalow, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DS

Prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house (Class C3) and for associated operational development


Parcel H5 & H6 Land South Of Longstanton Park Northstowe Cambridge

Discharge of condition 18 (screened storage) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM for approval of reserved matters for appearance landscaping layout and scale following Outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL for the erection of 240 dwellings along with garages roads sewers and all ancillary the outline application was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)


Land At Ryecroft Station Road Longstanton Cambridge CB24 3DS

Approval of matters reserved for access appearance landscaping layout and scale following outline planning permission S/2102/18/OL for the erection of a detached dwelling and detached garage. APPROVED



Phase 1 Land Parcel H10 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 7 (Noise Mitigation) of permission S/0045/19/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10 Pathfinder Way Northstowe

Condition 11 - Street Lighting


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Condition 11 - Street Lighting


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Condition 17 - Light spill


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10 Pathfinder Way Northstowe

Condition 6 - Artificial lighting scheme


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Condition 6 - Artificial lighting scheme


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambs

Non Material Amendment on application S/0045/19/RM for approval of matters reserved for appearance landscaping layout and scale following Outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL for 76 no dwellings including 25% affordable housing and associated open space and infrastructure Outline application S/0388/12/OL was an EIA application accompanied by an environmental statement.


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Non material amendment on application S/0045/19/RM for amendment to style of staircase windows to front elevation of flat blocks S03 & S04


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10, Pathfinder Way, Northstowe

Approval of matters reserved for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following Outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL for 76 no dwellings, including 25% affordable housing and associated open space and infrastructure, Outline application S/0388/12/OL was an EIA application accompanied by an environmental statement


3, St Michaels, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BZ

Proposed first floor side extension APPROVED


Land south of Longstanton Road, Oakington & Westwick

Discharge of condition 36(a) (Fibre Optic Telecommunication Infrastructure - a site-wide network is in place and provided) of outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL FOR INFORMATION ONLY


Hatton House, 130 High Street, Longstanton, CB24 3BT

Erection of a perimeter wall and gates and erection of a three bay garage with log store


The Retreat Fews Lane Longstanton CB24 3DP

Submission of details required by Conditions 11 (Scheme that demonstrates a minimum of 10% of carbon emissions) and 12 (Water conservation strategy) of planning permission S/0277/19/FL


The Retreat, Fews Lane, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DP

Demolition of the existing bungalow and construction of two dwellings including car parking and landscaping


Phase 2 Temporary Office, Northstowe Phase 2 Site, Rampton Road, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of Condition 8(Fire Hydrants) of Planning Application S.0045.18.FL - Temporary planning application for a period of five years for a B1a Use Class office building with ancillary exhibition use. FOR INFORMATION ONLY


Land south of Longstanton P & R and adjacent to, B1050 at Station Road, Longstanton

Non material amendment of planning permission S/3164/15/RM FOR INFORMATION ONLY


20, Thatchers Wood, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BX

Single storey rear extension


3, Haddows Close, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DJ

Discharge of condition 3 (Traffic management plan) pursuant to planning permission S/2930/18/FL FOR INFORMATION ONLY


St Michaels Church, St Michaels Lane, Longstanton, Cambridgeshire

Fell to the ground poor condition Sycamore leaning dangerously over adjacent residential property wall


Between Nos 29 and 30 , Toad Acres, Longstanton, CB24 3DF

T 1 - Weeping Willow - Fell to ground level. Reason - Has been pollarded many times in the past to try and contain the size due to the close proximity to adjacent buildings. Poor form and outgrown its location. Replant with a more suitable species for the site. APPROVED


6, St Michaels, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BZ

Discharge of conditions 9 (Walk over ecology survey), 11 (carbon emissions) and 12 (water efficiency consumption) of planning consent S/3624/18/FL for erection of new detached dwelling and alterations to the existing dwelling and new vehicular access.


Northstowe Phase 2, Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of Condition 56 (Part of framework travel plan) of planning permission S/2014/14/OL FOR INFORMATION ONLY


25 , Haddows Close, Longstanton, CB24 3DJ

Proposed two storey rear extension


Land at Oakdene, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DS

Erection of a single self-build dwelling, garage, remodelled access and associated infrastructure REFUSED


28, Thornhill Place, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3EE

Single storey flat roof extension to the rear


Land south of Longstanton Park and Ride

Non-material amendment to S/2713/16/DC APPROVED


4, Thatchers Wood, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BX

Single storey rear extension


Parcel H5 & H6 Land South of Longstanton Park, Northstowe

Discharge of condition 2 (materials) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM for approval of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following Outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL for the erection of 240 dwellings along with garages, roads, sewers and all ancillary, the outline application was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)


40 St Michaels, Longstanton, CB24 3BZ

T 1 - Yew - Reduce the height by 1.5m and the width in all directions by 1m. T 2 - Yew - Reduce the height by 1.5m and the width in all directions by 1m. T 3 - Yew - Reduce the height by 1.5m and the width in all directions by 1m. T 4 - Hawthorn - Reduce the height by 2m and the width in all directions by 0.5m APPROVED


3 , Eaton Way, Longstanton, CB24 3ET

Single storey rear extension APPROVED


Tree on the left of A14 west bound offsllip road in front of Menzies Hotel And Golf Complex, Huntingdon Road, Bar Hill, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 8EU

Felling of weeping willows referenced T3 and T5 cited within TPO 02/15/SC, and crown reduction of weeping willow referenced T4 as cited within TPO 02/15/SC. Tree works required to facilitate the construction of the ramp access for the adjacent footbridge in this location.


54, High Street, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BS

Detached single storey residential annex


The Grange, St Michaels, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3BZ

T 1 - Willow - Re pollard at the previous pollard points. T 2 - Willow - Re pollard at the previous pollard points. APPROVED


Land south east of the B1050 at Station Road, Parcel H8, Phase 1, Northstowe, Longstanton, Cambs

Application for approval of all reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, access, layout and scale) for 73 dwellings following outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL APPROVED


78, High Street, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3BS

Revision of previously approved (garage conversion) (S/1792/16/FL) to form annexe extension and external alterations.


Land South East Of Park And Ride, Station Road, Longstanton

Non material amendment of planning permission S/3405/18/RM for the amendment to the bird box location plan


Northstowe Proposed Development Site, Rampton Road, Longstanton

Non-material amendment to planning permission S/0045/18/FL


Land South Of, Longstanton Road, Oakington, CB24 3AB

Reserved Matters for Strategic Landscaping Elements in relation to Phase 2 following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL. An Environmental Impact Assessment was required at the time of the Outline submission and an Environmental Statement was submitted to South Cambridgeshire District Council at that time.


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of condition 5 (location of crossovers & footways, areas of hard landscaping) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of condition 3 (Management and Maintenance of Approved Streets) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of condition 29 (Scheme for the provision of wooden bollards) pursuant to planning permission S/3405/18/RM


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of condition 27 (Scheme to reduce parking) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of Condition 10 (Cycle and Pedestrian links) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM


Lyndhurst, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DS

Additional dropped kerb at property


Phase 2 Temporary Office, Rampton Road, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of condition 8 (Scheme for the provision and location of fire hydrants) pursuant to planning permission S/0045/18/FL


9, Brookfield Drive, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DZ

Lime trees T1,T2,T3,T4 - Crown reduce by 2 - 3ms to allow more light into garden and reduce risk of wind damage Horse chestnut T5 - Reduce over extending limb, growing west towards high st by 2-3ms and install 2 runs of 2ton cobra bracing to reduce risk of limb failure


32, Prentice Close, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DY

Non Material Amendement of planning permission S/3153/16/FL


Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of condition 24 (Short term landscape management and maintenance plan) of planning permission S/2011/14/OL


27 , Eaton Way, Longstanton, CB24 3ET

Single storey rear and side extension APPROVED



Non material amendment of planning permission S/0918/18/FL Two storey side extension incorporating conversion of existing single storey double garage APPROVED


20 Thatchers Wood, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BX

Part two storey and single storey rear extension APPROVED


77 Thornhill Place, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3EF

Single storey front extension APPROVED



Discharge of condition 4 (Tree protection strategy) of planning permission S/0918/18/FL FOR INFORMATION ONLY


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of condition 4 a, b, c and d (Specifications of landscape elements) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM FOR INFORMATION ONLY


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of Conditions 17 (Provision of Street Furniture), 28 (ecological enhancement), 30 (irrigation specification for tree planting) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM FOR INFORMATION ONLY


6 St Michaels, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BZ

Discharge of Condition 11 (carbon emission) planning application 3824/18/FL - Erection of new detached dwelling and alterations to the existing dwelling and new vehicular access FOR INFORMATION ONLY


68 Rampton Drift, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3EW

Erect a 1.8m high fence REFUSED


Land at Hazlewell Farm, Bar Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 8DS

Discharge of condition 3 (Hard and soft landscaping) pursuant to planning permission S/2894/17/FL FOR INFORMATION ONLY


99, Thornhill Place, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3EF

Single storey porch to front and two storey side extension to dwelling


Northstowe Phase 2, Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Part discharge of conditions 16 (Sports and Community/Arts) and 29i (Recording existing built heritage assets) of planning permission S/2011/14/OL


Northstowe Phase 2, Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of condition 14 (Town Centre Strategy) of planning permission S/2011/14/OL FOR INFORMATION ONLY


Land South of Longstanton Park & Ride and adjacent to B1050 at Station Road and Hattons Road, Longstanton

Discharge of condition 4 (Ancillary Park Structures) of planning permission S/2265/16/RM


Phase 1 Land Parcel H10, Pathfinder Way, Northstowe, Cambs

Discharge of conditions 3 (Materials), 8 (Revised elevation of Plot 1 (House Type PT21), 9 (scheme for the provision of street furniture), 10 (Hard and Soft Landscaping), 12 (plan to illustrate the provision of adequate swept paths to provide access for a motor vehicle), 16 (Plots 57, 58, 74 and 75 details of the proposed first floor rear windows), 18 (scheme for the provision of wooden bollards), 26 (irrigation specification for the proposed tree planting), 35 (details of screening for the bin collection point) and 43 (scheme to reduce parking (either by the provision of bollards or signage) in hammerheads at the site at Plots 41/54, 49/76 and 66/72) Pursuant to planning permission S/0045/19/RM FOR INFORMATION ONLY


The Manor, 1, Woodside, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BU

TPO 0005 (1986) A1: Ash with Inonotus ~ Pollard at 6.0 metres.


Phase 2 Temporary Office, Northstowe Phase 2 Site, Rampton Road, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of condition 3 (Scheme for the provision of a minimum of six electrical vehicle charging points) pursuant to planning permission S/0045/18/FL FOR INFORMATION ONLY


The Retreat, Fews Lane, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DP

Discharge of condition 7 (Traffic Management plan) Pursuant to planning permission S/0277/19/FL


4, Thatchers Wood, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BX

Single storey rear extension (Resubmission of S/1013/19/FL) APPROVED


Land South of Longstanton Park and Ride and adjacent to the B1050 at Station Road and adjacent to Hatton's Road, Longstanton

Discharge of condition 6 (Fencing) of planning permission S/2265/16/RM APPROVED


78, Magdalene Close, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3EQ

First floor rear extension APPROVED


29, Rampton Drift, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3EH

First floor extension to front and side and two storey side extension APPROVED


Phase 1 Land Parcel H9, Pathfinder Way, Northstowe, Cambs

Approval of matters reserved for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission S0388/12/OL for 130 dwellings


49, Mills Lane, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DG

Pruning of the following 4 trees in our garden, these trees are not subject to TPO but they are in a conservation area, the trees are (numbered as per sketch plan attached): (i) poplar tree; (ii) Oak tree; (iii) Cherry tree (iv) Cherry tree All of these trees were pruned about 7 years ago, now they require pruning again. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED WORKS: (i) Poplar tree: Poplar is to the rear of the property as shown in the attached sketch - work is required to reduce its crown by approximately 50%. (ii) Oak tree: Oak tree is to the rear of the property as shown in the attached sketch - work is required to reduce its crown by approximately 30%. (iii) Cherry tree: Cherry tree is adjacent to the property and in front of the oak tree as shown in the attached sketch - work is required to reduce its crown by approximately 30%. (iv) Cheery tree: Cherry tree is located at the front of the property next to the garage as shown in the attached sketch - work is required to reduce its crown by approximately 30%. Who will carry out the work: The work will be carried out by ATLAS TREE SURGERY LTD. (40 Fen End, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5NE, Tel: 01954 201892 Mobile: 07956 410416; email: [email protected]. All staff are trained and certificated. The company carries both employers and public liability insurance, all documentation can be produced on request from Atlas Tree Surgery Ltd. Tree work is carried out to British Standard 3998. APPROVED


Land South of Longstanton Park & Ride and adjacent to B1050 at Station Road and Hattons Road, Longstanton

Confirmation of Discharge of All Conditions of Planning Application S/0388/12/OL REFUSED


Parcel H2, Phase 1, Northstowe, Station Road, Longstanton

Confirmation that all conditions contained within planning permission S/3477/16/RM have been discharged REFUSED


Land Parcel H11, Northstowe (Phase1), Station Road, Longstanton

Discharge of All Condition/s of Planning Application S.1620.17.RM REFUSED


Land south of Longstanton Park and Ride,Station Road Longstanton

Discharge of All Conditions of Planning Application S.1991.18.RM APPROVED


Parcel H4 - Phase 1, Northstowe, Cambridge

Confirmation that all conditions contained within planning permission S/3174/16/RM have been discharged. APPROVED


Unit 1, Hazlewell Court, Bar Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 8DS

Change of use from B1 use (office use) to health and beauty treatments REFUSED


Land Parcel H3, Northstowe (Phase 1), Off Station Road, Longstanton

Confirmation that all conditions contained with planning permission S/2776/16/RM have been discharged REFUSED


Land Parcel H3, Northstowe (Phase 1), Off Station Road, Longstanton

Discharge of All Conditions of Planning Application S3016.16.RM REFUSED


Land Parcel H3, Northstowe (Phase 1), Off Station Road, Longstanton

Discharge of All Conditions of Planning Application S.3405.18.RM REFUSED


Land South of Longstanton Park & Ride Station Road Longstanton

Confirmation of Discharge of All Conditions of Planning Application S/1991/18/RM APPROVED


Land South Of Park And Ride and adjacent to B1050 at Station Road, Longstanton

Discharge of Conditions 2 (Soft Landscaping),3 (Ancillary Structures), 4 (Lighting),5 (Kingfisher Bank) & 6 (Footpath and Cycleway Connections) of Planning Application


130, High Street, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BT

Discharge of Condition 3 (Materials) pursuant to planning permission S/0206/19/FL APPROVED


Northstowe Station Road, Longstanton

Non material amendment of planning permission S/0045/19/RM (Parcel H10 (Taylor Wimpey) of Northstowe Phase 1 - approved under outline planning permission reference S/0388/12/OL) relating to the removal of oriel bay windows on 1st floor rear elevations & replaced with standard windows on plots 199,209,210, 226 & 227 garden sizes are 66sq/m or more.


Lyndhurst, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DS

Conversion of garden room to self contained annex


The Retreat, Fews Lane, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DP

Discharge of conditions 4 (Foul Water Drainage) and 5 (Surface Water Drainage) of planning permission S/2937/16/FL


Land Adjacent to 2 Railway Cottages, Station Road, Cambridge, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of Conditions 15 (Badger Survey and Mitigation) & 23 (Traffic Management Rev C) of Planning Application S.4803.18.FL - Erection of dwelling



Outline planning permission with some matters reserved except for access and layout for the construction of 2 three-storey buildings to form 10 dwellings with associated car parking following demolition of the existing buildings


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of condition 6 (SAP Calculations) pursuant to planning permission S/3405/18/RM


Land south east of park and ride, Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Discharge of conditions 10 (Links to facilities), 27(parking in hammerheads strategy) and 29(provision of wooden bollards) pursuant to outline planning permission S/3405/18/RM (Parcels H5 and H6 of Northstowe Phase 1)


97, Heron Road, Northstowe, Cambridge, CB24 1AS

Rear conservatory


Northstowe Phase 2A Subphase 1A Station Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire

Condition 10 - Site Compound Plan


Northstowe Proposed Development Site Rampton Road Longstanton Cambridgeshire

Submission of details required by condition 2 (Materials) of planning permission S/3499/19/RM


Phase 2A, Land South of Longstanton Road, Northstowe, CB24 3AB

Hybrid planning application comprising; a) Reserved matters for 406 dwellings including affordable housing provision, non-residential floorspace, landscaping, open space and associated infrastructure (the Reserved Matters include access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL); b) Discharge of conditions 9 (Design code), 10 (Fire strategy), 11(Housing (Market mix)), 12 (Housing - Lifetime Homes (Affordable and market dwellings)), 19 (Surface water Drainage), 20 (Foul Water drainage), 23(Landscape and design), 24 (Landscape Management and Maintenance plan), 27 (Ecological Management plan), 31 (Longstanton conservation area), 32 (Low Carbon Strategy), 33 (Energy delivery strategy), 34 (BREEAM Standards), 38 (Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)), 41(External Artificial Lighting), 42 (Operational Noise - Non Residential use classes), 43 (Operational Traffic Noise Mitigation Scheme on-site), 45 (Waste & Recycling Management Strategy), 48 (Transport - Equine, Walking and Cycling Routes), 57(Transport - Cycle parking) and 64 (Self-build and custom build) pursuant to outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL and c) Full planning permission for the temporary change of use of two dwellings to show homes.


Phase 2A, Land South of Longstanton Road, Northstowe, CB24 3AB

Non material amendment of outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL to amend Land Use Parameter Plan to allow for the location of additional commercial floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1 and D1) as part of Phase 2A.


Land south of Longstanton P & R and adjacent to, B1050 at Station Road, Longstanton

Discharge of conditions 3 (Details of ancillary structures) and 4 (Details of lighting) of planning permission S/3018/15/RM


Northstowe Phase 2 Land To The East Of Longstanton, Rampton Drift, Longstanton

Discharge of Condition 19 (external lighting and lux levels, external lighting and power layout, external mounted fittings, general external lighting, sports pitch lighting - Phase 1) of planning permission S/0092/18/CC/C8 for Outline permission for the remaining part of the secondary school comprising 8 forms of entry (1200 pupils); a 3 form of entry primary school (630 pupils); a post 16 education college (400 places), the remaining part of the indoor sports facilities, playing fields, car and cycle parking, landscaping and ancillary development. Full permission for part of a new secondary school comprising 4 forms of entry (600 pupils); a Special Education Needs School (SEN) (110 pupils); energy centre, playing fields, access, landscaping and ancillary development, Cond 11 - Cycle Racks - Phase 1, Cond 14 - Landscape, ecological Enhancement and management plan


Sales Pavilion Phase 2A Land South Of Longstanton Road Northstowe Cambs CB24 3AB

Submission of details required by condition 3 (Pedestrian Access) of planning permission S/3665/19/FL


Sales Pavilion Phase 2A Land South Of Longstanton Road Northstowe Cambs CB24 3AB

Submission of details required by condition 8 (Refuse Storage) of planning permission S/3665/19/FL


Sales Pavilion, Phase 2A, Land South of Longstanton Road, Northstowe, cambs, CB24 3AB

The erection of a temporary sales pavilion, associated with the development of Phase 2A, for a period of up to five years


3, Eaton Way, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3ET

Non material amendment of planning permission S/1115/19/FL APPROVED


15, Ladywalk, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3ED

Single storey rear extension APPROVED


The Retreat, Fews Lane, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DP

Discharge of conditions 4 (Hard and soft landscaping), 6 (Boundary Treatment), 9 (Foul and surface water drainage), 11 (Renewable energy) and 12 (Water conservation strategy) pursuant to planning permission S/0277/19/FL


Phase 1 Land Parcel H8, Pathfinder Way, Northstowe, Cambs

Discharge of conditions 2 (Details), 4 (Maintenance of the proposed street lights), 5 (Detailed plans of the roads, footways, cycleways, foul and surface water drainage), 10 ( Revised modelling of the strategic network), 19 (Bird and bat boxes), 20 (Boundary treatment) and 21 (Hard landscaping) pursuant to planning permission S/1355/19/RM


41 Eaton Way Longstanton Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 3ET

Discharge of condition 3 - Materials


41, Eaton Way, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3ET

Single storey side and rear extension, repositioning the garden wall and removing the central pier in the garage


Phase 1 Land Parcel H5, Pathfinder Way, Northstowe

Discharge of condition 11 (fire hydrants) of planning permission S/3405/18/RM


Parcel H10, Pathfinder Way, Northstowe, Cambs, CB24 3DR

Discharge of conditions 3 (Materials), 9 (Scheme for the provision of street furniture), 10 (Hard and soft Landscape), 12 (Plan to illsutrate the provision of adequate swept paths), 16 (Details of proposed first floor rear windows for plots 57, 58, 74 and 75), 18 (Scheme for the provision of wooden bollards), 26 (Tree planting) and 35 (Refuse strategy layout) pursuant to planning permission S/0045/19/RM


43, St Michaels, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BZ

T1 : 2 x Willows with honey fungus ~ Top and fell to ground level. T2 : Group of Willows ~ Pollard at 2.0 metres. T3 : 7 x Hawthorns and 1 x Sycamore around pond ~ Cut back canopy overhang to pond to enable pond restoration. T4 : Cherry in decline ~ Fell to ground level. T5 : Cherry ~ Raise crown to 4.0 metres over drive (to No.43 St Michaels) to enable access (owner of this tree unknown). T6 : Row of 15 Willows on rear boundary in right corner ~ Remove subsiding stems garden side APPROVED


Land South East Of Park And Ride, Station Road, Longstanton

Discharge of condition 24c (Surface water management) pursuant to outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL


Land South East Of Park And Ride, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambs

Discharge of condition 8 (Acoustic test- plot 168) pursuant to planning permission S/3405/18/RM


Oakington Barracks, Rampton Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3EJ

Temporary exhibition space (Use Class D1) to display local historic artefacts for a period of 5 years.


The Retreat, Fews Lane, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DP

Discharge of condition 7 (Traffic Management Plan) of planning permission S/0277/19/FL


The Retreat Fews Lane Longstanton Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB24 3DP

Discharge of condition 7 (Traffic Management Plan) of planning permission S/0277/19/FL


Hollywell House, Rampton Drift, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3EH

Single storey rear extension


Parcel H11, Northstowe Phase 1, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambs

Discharge of conditions 5 (Restricted parking signage), 6 (Provision of Roads, footways and cycleways and 12 (Boundary treatments) pursuant to outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL



A14 and B1050 Longstanton, Cambridge

Two retrospective non illuminated signs and three non illuminated signs. APPROVED


Trees on Long Lane between Rampton Road and Toad Acres - Northstowe Land To The North-east, Mills Lane, Longstanton

Tree works Conservation Area -Trees on Long Lane between Rampton Rd & Toad Acres


Land south of Longstanton Park and Ride, Station Road, Longstanton

Reserved matters application for Local Equipped Areas of Play (LEAP) 1, 2 and 4 following outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL. The outline planning application was an environment impact assessment application and an environmental statement was submitted to the planning authority at that time (February 2012).


Land south of Longstanton Park and Ride

Discharge of Conditions 2 (Soft Landscaping) & 5 (Footpaths & Cycleway Connections) of Planning Permission S/3018/15/RM


Land south of Longstanton Park and Ride, B1050 at Station Road, Longstanton

Discharge of Condition 35 (Operational Noise) of Planning Permission S/0388/12/O


Land south of Longstanton Park and Ride

Non Material Amendment of Planning Permission S/3018/15/RM


Tree on Long Lane between Rampton Road and Toad Acres Northstowe Land To The North-east, Mills Lane, Longstanton

Tree Works Conservation Area - 5 Day Notice of Dangerous Tree


Ryecroft, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DS

Application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved apart from access for the erection of a detached dwelling and detached garage APPROVED


Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of condition 64 (Custom and Self Build Strategy) of Planning Permission S/2011/14/OL APPROVED


Northstowe Phase 2, Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of Condition 30a (Management of Pillboxes) of Planning Permission S/2011/14/OL APPROVED


Ryecroft, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DS

Proposed erection of side and rear two storey extension including triple garage with games room over APPROVED


47, Duddle Drive, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3US

Installation of a detached timber garden room APPROVED


1, Toad Acres, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DF

T 1 - Willow - Pollard at the previous pollard points. T 2 - Ash - Reduce the crown to a high pollard framework. Approximately 7m above ground level APPROVED


Land rear of The Retreat, Fews Lane, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DP

The erection of a 3 bedroom bungalow with parking


Parcel H11, Phase 1, Northstowe, Longstanton, Cambs

Discharge of condition 9 (Scheme for the provision of fire hydrants) of reserved matters application S/1620/17/RM APPROVED


2 Stevensons Road, Longstanton, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3GY

Proposed conservatory APPROVED


Northstowe Proposed Development Site, Rampton Road, Longstanton

Non Material Amendment of Planning Permission S/2011/14/OL APPROVED


Land South Of, Longstanton Road, Oakington and Westwick, CB24 3AB

Non Material Amendment of Planning Permission S/2011/14/OL APPROVED


Green End Farm, Over Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DW

Conversion of existing garage (attached to house) and outbuilding into ancillary domestic space, new 2 bay cart lodge APPROVED


St Michaels House, St Michaels, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3BZ

Tree Works Conservation Area APPROVED


Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of Condition 8 (Phasing) of Planning Permission S/2011/14/OL


Tree on Long Lane between Rampton Road and Toad Acres, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DF

5 Day Notice to remove a fallen dead Elm Tree APPROVED


3, Haddows Close, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DJ

Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and construction of 4 No. dwellings


Land South Of, Longstanton Road, Oakington, CB24 3AB

Reserved Matters for the remaining Earthworks in relation to Phase 2 for Landscaping and layout following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL. An Environmental Impact Assessment was required at the time of the Outline submission and an Environmental Statement was submitted APPROVED


17, Stokes Close, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3FG

TPO 0013 (2003) A1: To reduce the height of a row of trees - Sycamore, Ash, Field Maple and Elm trees mixed at the rear of garden by 5 metres. These trees stand approximately 10 metres tall. The reason for the works is that the trees are too tall and causing a lot of shadow over the garden and nothing underneath will grow APPROVED


Land South Of, Longstanton Road, Oakington & Westwick, Cambridgeshire,CB24 3AB

Proposed pumping station with a associated kiosk, dosing unit, lighting, access and security fencing and gates. APPROVED


29, Mitchcroft Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3ER

First floor side extension, single storey rear extension, moving of footpath and garden wall APPROVED


Parcel H7, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambridgeshire

Discharge of Condition 18 (Revised Front Elevations on Plots 84, 85 & 96) of Planning Permission S/1475/18/RM


Northstowe Proposed Development Site, Rampton Road, Longstanton CB24 3EW

Non Material Amendment of Planning Permission S/2011/14/OL APPROVED


Phase 1 Land Parcel H5 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Condition 6 - SAP Calculations


Parcel H5 & H6 Land South Of Longstanton Park Northstowe Cambs

Condition 8 - Operational noise performance completion report


Phase 1 Land Parcel H5 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Non material amendment of planning permission S/3405/18/RM (Approval of reserved matters for appearance landscaping layout and scale following Outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL for the erection of 240 dwellings along with garages roads sewers and all ancillary the outline application was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)) for minor changes made to the road layout during the S38 process to ensure highways compliance, including minor subsequent plot reconfigurations (plots 179-184). The house type amendments also reflect minor changes made to house type plans to ensure building regulation compliance during constructio


Phase 1 Land Parcel H5 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Non material amendment of planning permission S/3405/18/RM (Approval of reserved matters for appearance landscaping layout and scale following Outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL for the erection of 240 dwellings along with garages roads sewers and all ancillary the outline application was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)) for minor changes made to the road layout during the S38 process to ensure highways compliance, including minor subsequent plot reconfigurations (plots 179-184). The house type amendments also reflect minor changes made to house type plans to ensure building regulation compliance during construction


Phase 1 Land Parcel H5 Pathfinder Way Northstowe Cambridgeshire

Non material amendment of planning permission S/3405/18/RM (Approval of reserved matters for appearance landscaping layout and scale following Outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL for the erection of 240 dwellings along with garages roads sewers and all ancillary the outline application was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA))


Parcel H5 & H6 Land South of Longstanton Park, Northstowe, Cambs

Approval of reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following Outline planning permission S/0388/12/OL for the erection of 240 dwellings along with garages, roads, sewers and all ancillary, the outline application was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) APPROVED


6, St Michaels, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BZ

Erection of new detached dwelling and alterations to the existing dwelling and new vehicular access. APPROVED


17, Haddows Close, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DJ

Non Material Amendment of Planning Permission S/0028/18/FL APPROVED


Northstowe Phase 2, Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of condition 24 (Landscape management and maintenance plan) of outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL WITHDRAWN


The Manor, Woodside, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BU

TPO 0005 (1986) A1: T1 Previously pollarded Lime ~ Top and fell to ground level. T2 Horse Chestnut ~ Reduce limb (with cavity) overhanging drive back to small upright, approximately 1.5 metres from stem. T4 Cedar ~ Raise crown on 1 limb only (over drive) to 3.0 metres; remove small hanging dead twig on end of wind damaged limb. Conservation Area: T3 Cherry ~ Raise to 3.0 metres all round and reduce lateral by up to 2.0 metres and height by up to 2.0 metres to clear parking spaces / access, to leave tree balanced. APPROVED


Land Parcel H11, Northstowe (Phase1), Off Station Road, Longstanton, CB24 3DS

Non Material Amendment of Planning Permission S/1620/17/RM


Land Parcel H3, Northstowe (Phase 1), Off Station Road, Longstanton

Non material amendment of planning permission S/2776/16/RM


Land South Of, Longstanton Road, Oakington and Westwick, CB24 3AB

Discharge of Condition 67 (Hard & Soft Landscaping) of Planning Permission S/2011/14/OL


2, Thatchers Wood, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BX

One small Elm, fell because the specimen is dead. One large Elm, likely to need to be felled, perceived dead. One Elm, for review, possibly dying may need to be felled. These trees are close to a small population of Elms in the conservation area, by felling deceased trees with possibility of elm disease will protect the population. Advice will be sought if there is any possibility to rescue any of these trees. Conifers planted in the last 2 years, and at least one indigenous sapling is being encourage to grow nearby. (Not elm). APPROVED



T1 Sycamore ~ Raise to 5.0 metres all round, maintaining a natural canopy line. T2 Robinia (the owner of this tree is St Michael's Church - refer to Tree Location Plan) ~ Reduce back canopy overhang to boundary, equating to 1.5 metres. T3 Row of Sycamores (the owner of these trees is St Michael's Church - refer to Tree Location Plan) ~ Prune selective limbs to give clearance to applicants house of 1.5 metres. T4 Beech (previously reduced) ~ Reduce by up to 2.0 metres; raise crown to 4.5 metres all round and thin remaining crown by 15%. APPROVED


3, Thatchers Wood, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3BX

Horse chestnut tree, to lift lower branches to allow light, coppice third from the top, and bring in tight outer branches. Take off left leaning branch as causing split in main trunk.


Hollywell House, Rampton Drift, Longstanton, CB24 3EH

Horse chestnut (T1) - Fell. The tree is heavily infected by Bleeding Canker with several active lesions on the first 3m of trunk. The tree is situated adjacent to, and over highways and car parking spaces. REFUSED


10 Hattons Park, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DL

Single storey extension to rear


Grove Cottage, Rampton Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3EN

Demolition of existing garage and replace with one and half storey building , 1 1/2 storey extension and single storey extension


Land South Of, Longstanton Road, Oakington, Cambs, CB24 3AB

Reserved Matters for landscaping and layout for Strategic Engineering Elements in relation to Phase 2 following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL. An Environmental Impact Assessment was required at the time of the Outline submission and an Environmental Statement was submitted at that time.


Green End Farm, Over Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 3DW

Variation of Condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning application S/2819/18/FL


Northstowe Proposed Development Site, Rampton Road, Longstanton

Non material amendment to the wording of Condition 24 of planning consent S/2011/14/OL APPROVED


Northstowe Phase 3, Station Road, LONGSTANTON, CB24 3DS

Environmental Impact Assessment scoping opinion for Northstowe Phase 3


St Michaels House, St Michaels, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3BZ

T1 self-set multi-stemmed Sycamore: Fell to ground level due to domination of this area of garden and reduced view of the church from the house


Land at 53, Woodside, Longstanton, CB24 3BU

Discharge of conditions 6 (Contamination) and 16 (External lighting) of planning permission S/3189/15/FL


Northstowe Phase 2, Northstowe Phase 2, Longstanton, CB24 3EW

Discharge of condition 30b (Written scheme for the long term use and care of the Longstanton paddocks) pursuant to Outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL


Land south of the B1050 Longstanton Road Northstowe

Discharge of conditions, 3 (management and maintenance) , 7 (sections and elevations), 8 (fire hydrants), 12 (boundary treatments) , 14 (photovoltaics (PVs)), 17 (front elevations), 18 (front elevations), (19 (front elevations), 20 (tree planting scheme) and 21 (hard landscape works) of planning consent S/1475/18/RM for application for approval of all reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, access, layout and scale) of parcel H7 of phase 1 of Northstowe for 115 dwellings


Ryecroft Nursery, Station Road, Longstanton, Cambridge, CB24 3DS

Approval of matters reserved for layout of the site, the scale and appearance of the buildings and the landscaping following outline planning permission S/2102/18/OL for the erection of a detached dwelling with detached garage


Land Adjacent To 2 Railway Cottages, Station Road, Longstanton

Erection of dwelling