Longstanton Parish Council comprises 11 unpaid elected/co-opted Councillors, who hold a seat in public office.  

Councillors normally serve a term of 4 years. The current Council will be in post until May 2026 (following the Community Governance Review held in 2020 and the creation of a new Council for Northstowe) and were elected following uncontested elections held in May 2021.

Should you email a Councillor directly, they will ensure the Clerk is copied in to any response.


Dan delaMare-Lyon (Chairman)

Dan delaMare-Lyon (Chairman)

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Dan's Register of Interests

Born in Cambridge, I grew up in Over going to the Primary School, and then Swavesey Village College. I've lived relatively close to Cambridge my whole life, and have worked for local businesses large and small.

I moved back over to this side of Cambridge to be close to family in 2011 when we moved to Longstanton.

An Engineer by training, my focus has become global telecommunications and I now work for a California company that is at the cutting edge of telecommunications, enabling the Internet, Telecoms Operators and Businesses to scale and keep pace with the growth in demand for communication technologies.

I've always felt a strong connection with the local villages having grown up here, and was glad to be able to offer my support to the Parish Council. Longstanton has a long history as a village, and has strong ties with those villages surrounding it, and I look forward to helping Longstanton grow and develop over the coming years as our community grows, the development at Northstowe expands, and our village continues to be a desirable and family-friendly place to live.

Council Chairman
Finance Committee
Amenities Working Group
Flood Action Group (Council Rep)
Planning Working Group
Speedwatch Co-ordinator
Sustainability Working Group
Village Events Working Group

Nikki Chapman

Nikki Chapman

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Annmaria Brash-Hall

Annmaria Brash-Hall

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Annmaria's Register of Interests

Employment Committee

John Street

John Street

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John's Register of Interests

Employment Committee
Finance Committee 

Andrew Wycherley (Vice-chairman)

Andrew Wycherley (Vice-chairman)

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Andy's Register of Interests

I moved to Longstanton with my wife and then teenage daughter in January 2014 from my home village of Wistaston in Cheshire as one of the manufacturing sites I was managing was located close by. 

Having worked on the Parish plan in Wistaston I recognise the importance of the Parish Council in developing and maintaining the village. So I'm pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to Longstanton, a village I've very much come to love since moving here, by becoming a Parish Councillor.

Employment Committee
Finance Committee
Amenities Working Group 

Join the Parish Council

Parish Councillor Vacancies

Longstanton Parish Council has vacancies for Councillors to join the Parish Council.


Are you enthusiastic about the community you live in? Do you want to help make long lasting changes? Are you a keen problem solver? Are you a passionate team player? If this is you, then please consider becoming a Parish Councillor. We are looking for people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect our community.
To become a Councillor you will need to be:
• British or a citizen of the Commonwealth. You may also be eligible as a citizen of the European Union, however the criteria has changed now that the UK has left the European Union.
• Be at least 18 years old
• You must also meet one of the following criteria:
i. be on the electoral roll
ii. have occupied as an owner or tenant, land or other premises in the Parish for at least the past 12 months
iii. be your main or only place of work for the past 12 months
iv. Live in the Parish or within 4.8km (3 miles) for the past 12 months
If you would be interested in becoming a Parish Councillor or would like more information, please contact the Longstanton Parish Clerk: [email protected]

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