Newsletter - May 2019

Published: 01 May 2019

Bank Holiday
Please note the surgery will be closed on Monday 6th May and Monday 27th May due to the Bank Holidays.

Friday Afternoon
Every Friday, the surgery has an emergency clinic which runs from 4pm-6pm. Appointments for this clinic are not pre-bookable, however you are expected to book in with the receptionist on arrival.  Please be reminded this clinic is dedicated for emergencies only and problems that require immediate treatment.  Please do not attend this clinic for routine matters – we need your help keeping these appointments available for those most in need.

As an alternative, we can offer telephone triage appointments on Monday morning with the nurse practitioner, and she will book a GP appointment within the time scale she feels necessary 

Travel Immunisations
If you are travelling abroad this summer please remember to check if you need any travel vaccinations.  We advise you to book a routine appointment with one of our nurses, who can confirm which vaccinations are necessary depending on your destination and vaccination history. 

Please DO NOT book these travel appointments with the nurse using the online appointment system, as we may need to offer you an extended consultation (particularly if you are planning on attending with other family members).

Please note we no longer offer the Yellow Fever vaccination at Willingham Surgery. You will need to contact an accredited Yellow Fever Centre or travel clinic. 

New GP
We would like to formally welcome a new permanent GP to the surgery, Dr Nidhi Sehgal.  Dr Sehgal has been working with us initially as a Locum, since the beginning of 2019 and is now settled into her new permanent position with us. Dr Sehgal brings with her a wealth of experience in primary care, and is already proving to be a very valuable member of the team.

Dr Sehgal will be at Willingham surgery every Monday and Thursday. She will be at Longstanton Branch Surgery every Friday, so our Longstanton patients will also have the opportunity to meet her. 

Top tips to help ease hay fever symptoms:
  • Keep house and car windows closed, especially when the pollen count is high (early morning between 7am to 9am and evenings between 5pm and 7pm)
  • Avoid large grassy areas, woodland, cutting the grass and car fumes
  • Wear wrap-around sunglasses
  • Use petroleum jelly inside your nose to block inhalation of pollen
  • Don’t dry washing outside to avoid pollen sticking to your clothes
  • When you get in from outside wash your hands, face, hair, rinse your eyes and change your clothes.

Carers Support Meetings
Meetings held on the first Wednesday of every month.  If you are a carer, please pop along and get some support from other people in the local community.  Refreshments provided no need to pre-book and completely FREE!  Please contact Sue Lawson at the surgery or email her at [email protected] for more information.

Cambridgeshire Hearing Clinics
The next Hearing Aid Clinics at Willingham Surgery are on Weds 15th May, Weds 19th June, Weds 17th July from 2:00pm-4:00pm. No appointment necessary, just pop along for your free NHS hearing aid batteries and for help and advice regarding hearing loss.

A&E is not an alternative to a GP appointment. If we are closed, please call 111.