Newsletter - January 2021

Published: 04 December 2020

A&E is not an alternative to a GP appointment.  If we are closed, please call 111.

‘Lucky squares’ Christmas Donations
Thank you to all those that kindly donated to our Christmas charity collection for Magpas.  Due to COVID we were unable to manage the lucky squares raffle and hampers this year, but still plan on making our annual donation to Magpas Air Ambulance.

Staff and patient donations have been collected throughout December, and are welcome until the end of January 2021.  You can donate via our ‘just giving’ page and the link can be found on Facebook and the practice website.  Cash and cheque donations are also welcome at the surgery.  The full amount raised will be announced in the March newsletter.  Thank you for your support for this wonderful charity.

Stock up your medicine cabinet for winter
During the winter months patients are reminded to stock up your medicine cabinet with self care essentials.

Many winter illnesses such as colds, sore throats and upset stomachs can easily be treated at home with medicines available at low cost from your local pharmacy or supermarket - no GP appointment or prescription required.

Not only will this help save you time and to feel better quicker, but it will also help save the NHS much needed resources.   Self-care essentials include:
  • packet of pain relief (paracetamol)
  • cold and sore throat remedies
  • first aid kit
  • thermometer
  • upset stomach treatment
  • rehydration treatment
  • heartburn and indigestion treatment
Your local pharmacist can also offer you advice and guidance on the best treatment for you.  Pharmacists are available on every high street and in supermarkets with many open evenings and weekends.

For further information on how to treat common winter illnesses visit

What to expect from your video or telephone consultation
The reception team will arrange a telephone call for you with a nurse or GP.

The GP will advise you if they feel a video consultation is appropriate and send you joining details.  If you are unsure about using video please request a telephone appointment.

Things to consider ahead of your consultation:
  • Please ensure you are ready to accept the telephone/online call at the allocated time
  • Find somewhere quiet and confidential to have the call and, if this isn’t possible or is tricky, make this clear when you are making your appointment.
  • If you would like to have someone with you for your consultation, please ask a family member or friend can join the call with you
  • It is a good idea to have a pen and paper with you so you can write down advice or next steps
If the GP or nurse decides they need to see you in person you will be offered a face-to-face appointment at the practice and they will confirm these details with you.

Carers Meeting
Due to the pandemic, the carers' meetings are still currently postponed until further notice.  They will be reinstated as soon as it is safe to do so.  In the meantime, we would like to continue to support carers in our local community in any way possible.  If you are a carer for someone and need advice and financial or emotional support, please contact Sue Lawson at [email protected] or 01954 260230.

All the staff from Willingham Medical Practice and Longstanton Branch Surgery would like to wish our patients a Happy New Year!