Newsletter - April 2019

Published: 04 March 2019


Please note the surgery will be closed on Friday 19th April (Good Friday) and Monday 22nd April (Easter Monday).  Normal opening hours apply from Tuesday 23rd April.
Please ensure you have enough medication to last the weekend.  The last date to order your medication from Dispensary in time for the weekend is Tuesday 16th April.

Pharmacy Opening Hours
Willingham Pharmacy is open from 8:30am every day until 6pm, apart from on a Tuesday when it will remain open until 7:00pm.  The Pharmacy will also be closed for both Bank Holidays over the Easter Weekend.  Details of alternative Pharmacies that are open on Good Friday and Easter Monday, will be displayed on the doors of the surgery and also on our website

Surgery Road – Driving and Parking

We have received many concerns over recent months from pedestrians and local residents regarding the junction where the surgery road meets Long Lane, and the speed at which some drivers are exiting/entering the road.  One concerned resident emailed us as follows:

“As someone who walks along Long Lane most days of the week, I would raise my concerns about the speed with which a number of drivers exit the surgery car park access road onto Long Lane with no consideration for pedestrians crossing the junction.  Being aware of the risk I'm now careful to listen out for the sound of an approaching vehicle and stop which a person with a hearing disability or impaired mobility might not be able to do.”

Please can all patients using the car park drive slowly and take particular care at this junction.  It is a main thoroughfare through the village and is particularly busy during school drop off and pick up.  The car park is intended for the use of visitors to the surgery, and parents should not be parking here for school runs, to help us minimise the movement of vehicles in and out of the junction during peak times.

Foot Care
The foot care clinic at Willingham Surgery run by Mrs Casey Javed is every Monday and some Wednesday mornings.  For appointments please call 01480 301337 or 07807 505534 or visit

Mental Health
We all have mental health and looking after it is just as important as looking after our physical health.  The Keep Your Head website has lots of info for adults, children, and young people on looking after our mental health

Need urgent support for your mental health? Call the CPFT NHS First Response Service on 111 option 2 - they’re there to help

Carers Support Meetings
Meetings held on the first Wednesday of every month.  If you are a carer, please pop along and get some support from other people in the local community.  Refreshments provided no need to pre-book and completely FREE!  Please contact Sue Lawson at the surgery or email her at [email protected] for more information.

Cambridgeshire Hearing Clinics
The next Hearing Aid Clinics at Willingham Surgery are on Weds 17th April, Weds 15th May and Weds 19th June from 2:00pm-4:00pm.  No appointment necessary, just pop along for your free NHS hearing aid batteries and for help and advice regarding hearing loss.

A&E is not an alternative to a GP appointment. If we are closed, please call 111.