Newsletter - December 2018

Published: 14 November 2018

Change to our Extended Hours
The surgery extended hours service offers our patients appointments outside of our core opening hours of 8:30am-6:00pm. From Tuesday 8th January 2019, the surgery will remain open every Tuesday until 7:30pm, offering our patients routine appointments. This will replace the Wednesday evening surgery, when the surgery will now close at 6:00pm. Please note the change of opening hours will also apply to Willingham Pharmacy. We will continue to offer early morning appointments from 7:20am every Thursday as part of our extended hours.

GP on Long Term Sick Leave
As many of our patients may be aware, Dr Jankovic is currently off long term sick and the surgery is currently managing with one less GP Partner. You may therefore experience longer waiting times for your routine appointments. The additional pressure on the surgery, alongside the increase demand over the winter months, is making it more difficult for you to book routine appointments with the GP of your choice. Dr Jankovic would like to thank his patients for their kind wishes, and is hoping to return to the surgery as soon as possible.

New appointment system
We are planning on introducing a more robust triage system as we welcome a new Nurse Practitioner, Claire Blewett, to the surgery as a permanent member of our team. Our experienced reception team will be working with Claire to signpost all patients requesting urgent ‘on the day’ appointments to the most appropriate appointment with a GP. This may not necessarily be the same day. Claire herself is very experienced in providing advice and some medications for minor illness so you may be asked to attend her clinic, and not necessarily be signposted to a GP.

Christmas and New Year clinics
The shortage of a GP this Christmas is also having some impact on the service we are able to offer during the Christmas period. We will be closed as normal on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.

The surgery core opening hours will remain unaffected throughout the rest of the Christmas period. However, we will only have capacity to see those patients who need urgent treatment and care. During this period, please do continue to call the surgery on the usual number, and we will arrange for your condition to be assessed and treated. Please only call 111 when the surgery is closed.

Don’t swallow up your NHS – use it wisely this winter
You can treat minor winter illnesses such as colds and coughs, sore throats, and upset stomachs easily at home with medicines, which you can easily buy at low cost from your local pharmacy. So be prepared and stock up on winter essentials today

  • pain relief (paracetamol)
  • cough and sore throat remedies
  • first aid kit
  • upset stomach treatment
  • rehydration treatment
  • heartburn and indigestion treatment

Having these winter essentials at hand will not only save you time and help you to feel better quicker, but help save the NHS much needed resources.

Pharmacy 2U
You may have received a leaflet in the post inviting you to get your repeat prescriptions from a company called Pharmacy2U. Pharmacy2U is a distance selling (internet only), that has nothing to do with the surgery, and it is not funded or operated by the NHS. Patients should be aware that in choosing to use an online Pharmacy like this, you cannot have any face-to face contact, they are only allowed to deal with patients by post, telephone or internet. Prescriptions are delivered via Royal Mail at your own risk. We believe that an internet business like Pharmacy2U is no substitute for your local dispensary.

Repeat Prescriptions

Please plan ahead and make sure you have enough medication. The last date for ordering repeat prescriptions in time for the Christmas holidays is Thursday 20th December. The last date for collection before the Christmas holidays is Monday 24th December by 1:00pm at Longstanton Surgery and 6:00pm at Willingham Pharmacy. The last date for ordering repeat medication before New year will be Thurs 27th December and collection is no later than 31st of December. The surgeries will re-open as normal on Wednesday 2nd January 2019.

Christmas Lucky Squares on aid of Magpas £1 each are available from reception in Willingham and Longstanton Surgeries. Many prizes including food hampers and other goodies can be won so please buy a ticket or donate a prize. Last year this raised £358 for Magpas and we would love to break this record with your support. Thank you and good luck!

Carers Support Meetings
Our next meetings at Willingham Surgery are on Weds 5th December. If you are a carer, please pop along and get some support from other people in the local community. Refreshments provided, no need to pre-book and completely FREE! Please contact Sue Lawson at the surgery or email her at [email protected] for more information.

Cambridgeshire Hearing Clinics
The next Hearing Aid Clinic at Willingham Surgery is on 19th December. No appointment necessary, just pop along for your free NHS hearing aid batteries and for help and advice regarding hearing loss.

All the Staff at the Surgery would like to wish our patients a very Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!

A&E is not an alternative to a GP appointment. If we are closed, please call 111, who will give advice and direct you to the most suitable local service.