Age UK Recruitment Opportunity

Published: 09 December 2020

We have seen the local community groups really come together and the evidence of volunteers working incredibly hard to help support all local residents, to meet their needs in a variety of ways, through this absolute isolating and worrying year.

We are seeing our counties older peoples demand increase, for trusted reliable domestic support workers, as a long term need to support them at home. Therefore, we are doing a recruitment drive to increase our Home Support Worker teams in all areas and wondered if you can share the attached information with you own network, those locally that are probably doing many of these things already.

The Home Support workers are DBS checked and go through our organisations in depth induction which covers H&S, manual handling, safeguarding and dementia awareness to name a few.  The relationship formed between our HSW and the service users are unique, trusting and offer in addition conversations to help with the huge challenges faced with social isolation, and the service user paying for the service has the flexibility of identifying what they need doing and so remain in control.   The work covers domestic tasks like the hoovering, washing, etc, they can do the shopping and put it away, and when safe to do so accompany them to the shops, pick up a prescription, post a letter, so something so valuable to help those living in their own homes to continue to do so, with a bit of added support.  With the role being 0hr contracts the role can fit in with so many of our lifestyles

I really appreciate your time and co-operation to help us get this out to all in our county.

Keep up the good work everyone, and hoping together we can all help to alleviate the challenges still ahead, as Christmas approaches but hope during vital work we can all bring some smiles, care and warmth to people’s lives too.