News from Anthony Browne MP

Published: 24 September 2020

I have been out and about across the constituency over the last few weeks, seeing first-hand some of the fantastic work being done by residents as well as understanding the troubles that many have faced.  From tackling flooding in Bar Hill to meeting with innovating local businesses in Oakington to sneaking a behind-the-scenes look at IWM Duxfords latest exhibits, it has been a genuine pleasure to be back out and about.  Scroll down to see just a snapshot of my visits over the past few weeks, and how that is translating into action both locally and in Westminster.

I also had the chance, one or two times, to help out by eating out!  I was delighted to see that over 122,000 meals have been claimed for by the 107 restaurants, cafes and pubs in our area, proof that local people are supporting out local businesses.  I have no doubt that there are businesses in South Cambridgeshire today which, without this brilliant scheme, may not have made it through the summer.  I hope local people will continue to support them in the months ahead.

Meanwhile, in the House of Commons we are back where MPs belong - scrutinising legislation and holding the government to account.  You will read below of attempts to hold defecting MPs to account and calling out the undemocratic behaviour of Extinction Rebellion.  With the spectre of Brexit raising its head, have no doubt that this Parliament will continue to hold the Government to account.

However, while I am glad to be looking forward, conquering this invisible enemy remains a key part of our lives.  Please do continue to follow social distancing requirements and wear masks when prompted.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments about your local area, please do email me at [email protected] or go to my website

Anthony Browne MP

UK-Japan Trade Deal Signed
Very exciting news - we’ve now agreed a free trade deal with Japan!  This is the UK’s first major trade deal as an independent trading nation.

The deal secures additional benefits beyond the EU-Japan trade deal and will help to create jobs and drive economic growth throughout the whole of the UK, and paves the way for UK accession to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The House of Commons has been busy this month - as much as is possible given continued social distancing in the chamber - with an ambitious programme of business to scrutinise.  Having already spoken in the chamber numerous times in this session, I can assure you MPs are very much back in action across Westminster.

My own interventions included support for the fantastic array of support measures implemented over the last few months as well as speaking in defense of protections for jobs and businesses and against the appalling behavior of Extinction Rebellion activists.

Alongside a comprehensive Government programme are a number of measures brought forward by MPs, such as Anthony Magnall's bill to see allow constituents the opportunity to endorse an MPs defection.  As teller (that is to say, vote counter), colleagues and I saw in a close victory - pushing the bill through to a second reading, where it will gain greater scrutiny.

As ever, if there are issues close to your heart you would like to hear me speak on, please let me know.
One of South Cambridgeshire's greatest assets are the farmers who sit at the heart of our rural community.

I have been discussing two key local farming issues this month - nature-friendly practices and stopping hare coursers.  We are fortunate to have the Chairmen of two national groups in our area - Martin Lines of the Nature Friendly Farming Network and Robin Page, former BBC presenter and Chair of the Countryside Restoration Trust - both of whom have welcomed me to their farms.  I have been working with DEFRA to ensure that their views, and that of many constituent farmers, are heard as the Agriculture Bill moves forward and is put into practice.

In terms of hare coursing, with the season now upon us it is more important than ever to remain vigilant.  I am very glad of the insight provided to me by local farmers and landowners, and have already laid a number of questions in Parliament to focus national attention.  We must look at new ways to secure a firm deterrent for coursers, who continue to plague not just our local farms but those up and down the country, and I will keep you informed as I work with DEFRA and the Home Office on such measures.

I have also been pleased to help launch our second bid for a new train station - this time in Harston.  A team of Parish Councillors and local residents, supported by County Councillor Roger Hickford.  Through the ‘Ideas Fund’, the group can bid for 75% of costs up to £50,000 to help fund a transport and economic scoping study, which would then be followed by a full business case.  I will make as strong a case as possible to Government and ministers - it simply makes economic sense to add stations to these existing lines.

Getting around our villages has included meeting with Parish, District and County Councillors from across the political spectrum, not just from behind a screen but within the villages themselves, such as viewing the controversial cycle paths in Girton, witnessing dangerous lorry parking in Little Abingdon and discussing how we can prevent accidents at Ashwell and Morden station.  My virtual surgeries with constituents have been complemented by new 'Street Surgerys', out on the streets themselves in Cambourne, Bar Hill and Great Shelford.  If you want to see me in your village, please do get in touch.