News from Anthony Browne MP

Published: 08 April 2020

Combatting the challenge of Coronavirus
We are living through extraordinary and challenging times. None of us ever expected we would live through what can seem like a terrible, fast-moving Hollywood movie.  But it is happening.  It is – for now – our new reality.

This is the worst public health crisis for a generation, akin to a war, and it will get worse before it gets better.  Most of us are worried by events.  But remember – we will get through it, and we will bounce back.  Generations to come will talk about what we are currently experiencing.

While this may change how I run my office, it does not stop me from effectively representing my constituency.  This month, my time has been spent on the phone to businesses, in online video conferences with constituents, volunteering with local groups and passing your concerns directly to Government ministers.

This has included liaising with local companies providing vital equipment such as PPE or ventilators.  It has meant working with our world-leading biomedical institutions to aid the government in achieving its testing targets.  And it has seen me holding the government to account for the Chancellors financial promises to individuals and businesses alike through the first ever virtual Treasury Select Committee evidence session.

I'm also delighted to announce my first ever online surgery, to be held via Facebook Live, 4pm on Thursday 9 April. Click the link to find out more or set up a reminder.

Our challenge now is to get through it with as little harm as possible – conquering this invisible enemy while saving as many lives and as many livelihoods as we can.  I urge you to remain indoors and follow the government advice, so we can protect the most vulnerable and ensure our NHS continues to operate to the best of it's ability.

Links to the latest news and advice as we all continue to adapt to this national challenge, and for more information on what is being done in South Cambridgeshire to combat the spread and impact of COVID-19.  I will be putting up the latest information on this website and signposting support for residents and businesses alike.  If you are organising a community group, worried about the effects of the outbreak or have concerns around your business, please follow the links on our coronavirus page.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you think I can help.

In Parliament

As will always be the case in times of crisis, MPs must and will continue to work on behalf of their constituents and scrutinise the Government of the day.

Through social distancing in the chamber, writing to ministers and video-calling committees, I have been raising your concerns this month. This includes taking part in the first virtual Treasury Select Committee evidence hearing and questioning the Foreign Secretary (above) on how he plans to aid constituents like Brianna Lewis, who was trapped in Peru with no passport.

My office remains open and I continue to serve as your national representative – if you need any support, have a concern or would like to suggest a course of action, please contact me.

In South Cambridgeshire

Here in South Cambridgeshire, I am trying to get in touch with as many local businesses and charities as possible to ensure their needs are being met.

This has included highlighting the needs of businesses affected by the Coronavirus crisis and working with national companies such as Morrisons to ensure food is on the shelves and is getting to those in need.

This includes helping unique local attractions such as the Orchard Tea Garden in Granchester and Shepreth Wildilfe Park to weather this storm.

I have also been in contact with national and local organisations such as the NFU, as you will see in the video above. We need to ensure that everyone is where they need to be, doing what they must do and being as safe as possible at a time like this.

Finally, I have been holding phone surgeries with constituents and in constant contact with your local representatives, including South Cambridgeshire District Council.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments about the ongoing response to COVID-19, please email me [email protected], go to or search @anthonybrownmp on Facebook.