County Council Update - 2nd April 2020

Published: 03 April 2020

Network of coordination and response hubs launched A network of COVID-19 Coordination and Response Hubs has been launched across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

This includes the countywide co-ordination hub, which has been in operation now for almost two weeks, and local hubs that are being led by the district/city councils.

The countywide hub is focussed on supporting residents who have been identified as shielding and being of the highest risk.  It will ensure that critical services across the public sector, such as care for the elderly, can continue through the support of staff who have been redeployed from other council services and partner organisations and the support of volunteers.

This work includes ensuring our most vulnerable residents have access to food, medicines and other important supplies, as well as ensuring broader social needs are met as far as possible, to minimise anxiety.



The district and city hubs will provide more local support, for residents across their communities and will respond to individual offers of help or requests for support.  They will also connect with and support mutual aid and other community-led initiatives.

Working closely with the countywide hub, they will also respond to individual requests for help and offers of assistance that fall outside the scope of the support being offered to those who are identified as being of the highest risk.

Each of the district and city councils will have information on their websites from 3rd April about the local hubs including how people can get in touch and access help and support.  

To contact the countywide hub, people are being asked, where possible, to do so online at or

The countywide hub can also be contacted Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm, and Saturdays 9am to 1pm at [email protected] or on 0345 045 5219 


Council staff doing essential work

Some people have questioned whether Council staff should be working in communities or in our offices when we are being asked to practice social distancing.

Please remember that, as well as health workers and police officers, many council staff are on the Government’s critical worker list because they are providing essential services so need to be out and about.

For example, health and social care workers supporting vulnerable families, carers and homeless people; school staff providing child care for key workers; refuse and recycling crews emptying bins and keeping our neighbourhoods clean; and bereavement services supporting people who have lost loved ones.

Other Council staff have been re-deployed to carry out critical co-ordination and complex planning work, which cannot be done from home, such as responding to vulnerable people through the Cambridgeshire Coronavirus Coordination Hub, which is providing food, medicines and other supplies.

Key worker cards are being made and distributed to staff doing critical work in case there is a challenge from a member of the public or police.  At all times, key workers are being advised to work at a safe distance to prevent the spread of infection.

Wendi Ogle-Welbourn, Executive Director, People and Communities, Cambridgeshire County Council, says: “Where at all possible we want Council staff to work from home; there are however some situations where this is not possible and people need to physically come into work and practice social distancing.

“Everybody is working incredibly hard and also adhering to social isolation or social distancing to protect the most vulnerable people in our community. We all have a part to play and we need to understand that the parts we have to play are all different, but equally valued.”
Council’s new online learning hub is one stop shop for parents and children

There is no doubt parents are inundated at the minute, with online learning resources being offered from all angles.  Rather than trying to add to the noise, the Education Team at Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council has created a ‘one stop shop’, giving parents and children a single ‘go to’ place for a whole range of interactive lessons, projects, challenges and activities for children of all ages.

The ‘Home Learning Hub’ has been created by the collective brainpower of the Council’s Education Team, which includes Maths and English advisers and subject leads from many other areas.  It offers interactive learning materials that will really get you thinking and keep your brain and body active, as well as covering important topics such as safety online, and links to content.

The team are continually adding to the Hub and are taking on board feedback from parents to ensure new content is really valuable – and fun! Click here to have a look and see.
Sport England to dish out funding to help local clubs and community associations

We know there are many sport clubs and community associations in both Cambridgeshire and Peterborough that are worried about funding during the Covid-19 outbreak.  Sports England has just announced it will be launching a £20million Community Emergency Fund.  Grants of between £300 and £10,000 are available for grass roots organisations to bid for.  Find out more -
COVID-19 scam alert

We have been informed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board of a scam doing the rounds.  People are calling claiming to be from Public Health England, asking residents if they had received their letter from the government and then asking if they have support from family and friends, etc. and trying to obtain personal details.

Please warn your family and friends and do not give out personal details over the phone.