Update on Community Governance Review

Published: 04 March 2020

I was able to attend the Civic Affairs Committee meeting at South Cambridgeshire District Council yesterday, the purpose of which was to decide which boundary options to put forward to residents for the second round of consultation.  This second round of consultations commences on 15th March 2020.

There were a total of 7 boundary options provided to the committee for consideration, but after listening to the report provided by SCDC Officers, responses from local parish councils and D Cllrs, the following options will be put forward to residents for their input:

Map A1   Homes north of Guided Busway to become part of Willingham

Map B     Homes north of the Guided Busway to become part of Northstowe

Map C     Excludes Phase 3b from Northstowe - meaning this area would remain in Longstanton, as would houses north of the Guided Busway 

The link above will take you to the SCDC website and the background documents (including maps) which were made available for the committee.