Parking Issues
Published: 19 March 2019
Please be assured that Longstanton Parish Council is doing what it can in respect to the ongoing abuse of the parking on the double yellow lines outside the Co-op.
Parking on double yellow lines is a criminal offence and the responsibility for enforcing the double yellow lines is down to the police. With resources the way they are, the police are unable to prioritise ticketing cars, but will enforce if they are in the area and as we understand it did do so a week or so ago.
When there is evidence of a commercial company’s vehicles parking on the lines, the parish office has contacted the company to report it. A recent example of this was reporting of an offence to the John Henry Group. We have been given permission to share their response:
I can confirm that the vehicle, driver and passenger were all John Henry Group. I have spoken with their line manager who in turn has spoken to both men.
They do apologise most sincerely that their behaviour was in any way offensive or abusive, it was not their intent. They have been reminded that there is an issue with parking in Longstanton near the shop and that on no account should they park in an illegal fashion.
Please pass on my sincere apologies to the councillors involved, as an ex-parish councillor myself I appreciate the importance of keeping the environment safe and stress free for the locals.
In addition to the above, councillors are looking at pavement signage to be placed on the pavement at the Co-op (and at the junction of Hatton Park with the High Street) to highlight the dangers of vehicles parking in these areas.